
Sexual and Asexual reproduction

 Sexual reproduction  It involves two parents and produces a genetically unique offspring.  During sexual reproduction, two haploid gametes unite in the process of fertilization to produce a diploid zygote.  To do this process there must be an egg and a sperm.  Asexual reproduction  You only need one stem cell.  There is only mitotic cell division.  The offspring's organism is made up of a part of the mother's body.  The daughter organisms are genetically identical to the parents. https://youtu.be/fcGDUcGjcyk

Mitosis and Meiosis

Phases of mitosis  Cells follow the pattern of a sequential process that ends in cell division, known as the cell cycle.  1. Prophase The replicated DNA that is intertwined is condensed into a more compact form known as a chromosome.  2. Metaphase The chromosomes line up right in the center of the cell.  3. Anaphase The mitotic spindle acts, what it does is separate the sister chromatids and drag them to opposite poles.  4. Telophase The chromosomes are decondensed in the usual way and the nucleus that contains them is regenerated.  The end result of mitosis is the formation of two interphase sister cells.  Phases of meiosis  Meiosis I  In prophase I, the homologous chromosomes are very close, allowing parts to be exchanged between them.  Metaphase I occurs when chromosomes attach to the mitotic spindle.   Anaphase I, which is when these are transported to opposite poles.  Telophase I, where only cytokinesis occurs, that i...

Cell reproduction

  Cell reproduction characteristics  1.An initial cell divides to form daughter cells.  2.Cells are considered alive because they are capable of fulfilling the vital functions of any living organism, reproducing, nourishing and interacting.  3.The cells of human reproduction is that each contains only 23 chromosomes.  4.This occurs due to a cell division.  5.Part of a cell known as a stem cell.  6.A cell has a nucleus or nucleoid depends on whether the cell is eukaryotic or prokaryotic respectively https://youtu.be/PEprmicXh3I

¿ Did you know?

                             ¿Back to high school makes me feel………because……..?   “Going back to high school gives me fear and joy because it can infect me and those around me and   serious things can happen, because I will see my classmates again physically " Fun facts about viruses and bacteria. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere.  They can cause illness Bacteria are organisms which consist of just a single cell. They are the oldest and most abundant organisms on the planet. Viruses are infectious particles. They are very dangerous and difficult to heal and fight. Viruses are more contagious. Recommendations for a safe return to school Don't take off your mask. Bring alcohol to disinfect yourself. Wash your hands constantly. Keep your distance from people. If you feel bad, go to the doctor, do not expose others.